She works for Leadership Public Schools, a nonprofit network of public charter high schools in the East and South Bay. He runs the Greenlining Institute, a multi-ethnic coalition that advocates on behalf of low income communities and communities of color on a variety of issues (currently based in Berkeley, but wisely moving soon to Oakland). Claudia and Orson and their charming children have made a beautiful and peaceful home for themselves in Oakland’s Bartlett neighborhood (some of you may know it as Upper Peralta Creek). If commitment, dedication, passion, and powerful family values are at the heart of Oakland, then so is Familia Aguilar.
Family values to build a strong OAKLAND with the people that already live here:
• Prioritize Our health & education
• Activate community history & power
• Keep rent affordable
• Believe that alL families can thrive
• Create Agents of change
• Nurture creativity & collaboration
• Diversity = strength
Familia Aguilar