Santa Fe

I photographed Mia, Nino and their kids in the backyard of their home in Oakland’s Santa Fe neighborhood. Dedicated to community not just with their words, but with their actions and their lives, this family was an inspiration to be around. Nino is a talented musician who owns and runs Bird and Egg, an East Bay recording studio. Mia is Co-director of Family Story, an organization dedicated to shifting the national conversation about families to one that embraces the beauty and dignity of America’s diversity of family structures. And do not miss Mia’s amazing TED talk.

I’ll share this with you about this charming and fun family, after even a brief visit with them, you walk away believing that by working together we really can transform stereotypes and build communities.

We must imagine new worlds that transition us from seeing Black people as murderers, or Brown people as terrorists and aliens, to ones that can see Black and Brown people as cultural and economic innovators. The more people that collaborate on that ideation, the more people who will be served by the resulting world(s). — Adrienne Maree Brown
Mia Birdsong, Antonino "Nino" Moschella, Stella Birdsong & Solomon Moschella