Shepherd Canyon
There’s not much I can say about this amazing family that their signs haven’t already spelled out. Talented, creative, committed, passionate, fun, warm and welcoming. (Okay, I came up with a few things.) From the moment I stepped into their beautiful home I was struck by their powerful sense of family and community. From creating the signs to deciding where to take the photos, everything was a family project. And did I mention that Angelica lives her commitment to her community everyday as a teacher in our public schools? Or that their three children are scarily bright and talented? And then there’s that Grammy nomination for Hector’s debut album, Sistema Bomb Presenta Electro-Jarocho back in 2013. Overall, a remarkable Oakland family, and one I feel fortunate to have met.
Why we Love Montclair…
We bought our first home in Montclair and are raising our 3 beautiful and vibrant children in this wooded oasis. We are Cal Graduates, a public school teacher, a Grammy-nominated composer, and motivated honour students. With some of the best public schools in the Bay Area, and its proximity to the BEST public university in the world, UC Berkeley, Montclair provides a super-healthy environment for our familia. Our kids thrive at Montclair Elementary School, and Montera Middle School, while learning to appreciate and respect the grandeur of the forest that surrounds us.
Hail Montclair!
In Montclair You:
- Wave at people you know on Shepherd Canyon Road
- Walk the trail to Sunday’s Farmers market
- Drop off the kids at Shepherd Canyon for soccer practice
- Walk with your friends in the Village after school
- Marvel at your stress-relieving drive home in the hills
- Take a hike at Redwood Regional Park Trails
- Enjoy your secluded home among the tall pines and beautiful oaks.
We love where we live!