I’m not sure what to say about Maggie & John that the sign and their photos don’t already say. Warm, open, inviting? Definitely all those. Artists, designers, soup makers, house builders, community builders? Absolutely! The sweetest and most in-love couple I’ve seen in years? Without a doubt.
I met Maggie at the Oakland YMCA, and when she heard about the Oakland Neighborhood Project, she jumped on board. Long-time residents of Oakland, John built their home in the Woodminster neighborhood more than a decade ago. And while they are soon moving away from their beloved city, they will always be Oaklanders at heart and the city will always welcome them as they have welcomed so many others. Thank you, Maggie & John for being a part of this project and this city. I’m looking forward to soup in the new house (once it’s finished).
Legendary Annual Soup Party
Started out for our neighbors, became for all neighborhoods
La Bohéme — a gathering place
We love meeting new people wherever we go
Creative happenings:
— poetry
— music
— art
— free abstract painting parties
Intimate outdoor spaces
4 cottages for:
— painting
— guests
— writing
— retreat
— energy work